An object, usually technical and small in size, which serves to make life easier. These can be fitness bracelets, smart watches and other popular novelties on the market.
Targeting advertising campaigns to a specific region, usually as part of PPC ads. Social networks and topical sites are very suitable environments for these targeted ads. An example of geotargeting in search engine optimization is the choice of regional keywords such as: kitchen Prague, furniture Brno, etc.
A gigabyte is a unit of data volume, or also the size of the data buffer. The designation for this unit is GB and is based on the basic unit for the amount of information, the byte. 1 gigabyte is equal to 1024 bytes.
Google analytics (GA)
Google analytics is a system of analytical tools that give the site owner a perfect overview of the number of visits and visitor activity. There are several analytical tools, the advantage of GA is that they are free and provide important information that no owner of an e-shop or larger website can do without.
GUI – Graphical User Interface
The GUI is everything we interact with on our computer or phone. It is the graphical interface that we use to control our electronic devices from computer to tablet, mobile phone or "empétrojka". Everything we click on to get where we want to go on a device is a graphical user interface. The first GUI was created in 1973 in the labs of Xerox and popularized by Apple in the mid-1980s.
Gantt chart
The Gantt chart is mainly used in the field of project management. The Gantt chart enables this planning in a graphical and clear form and makes the timeline of the entire project visible at a glance.
Google Reader
Google Reader has been one of the most popular RSS readers directly from Google. The service ran successfully for a few years before Google shut it down in 2013 to much user disapproval. At the same time, many other services emerged to replace Google Reader. Feedly became the most successful.