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An interactive element in the form of a sign, image or animation that is used primarily for advertising purposes. It serves as an active link.

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An interactive element in the form of a sign, image or animation that is used primarily for advertising purposes. It serves as an active link.

Banner blindness

It refers to the phenomenon of Internet users overlooking prominent advertising elements because they are over-saturated with them.

Banerová slepota

It refers to the phenomenon of Internet users overlooking prominent advertising elements because they are over-saturated with them.


A website designed to present opinions, practices or company culture. It can be used to promote the company in several ways. The first is our own blog, where we present our company culture and practices. The second way is to use personal blogs related to our topic, reach out to their authors and use them to promote ourselves.

Bounce rate

The immediate exit rate is a statistic in Google Analytics that indicates the number of visitors to a website who leave our site directly from the landing page. It can either indicate a serious site error (and Google often penalizes sites with high bounce rates), or it can simply indicate that the visitor was looking for the answer they got on the landing page.


This term is sometimes used for a browser. Examples of browsers are Google Chrome, Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox. Not to be confused with a search engine (Google.cz, Seznam.cz).

Business to Business (B2B)

Relationship between two companies. Usually the abbreviation B2B refers to the relationship between supplier and customer.

Business to Consumer (B2C)

A term for the relationship between a seller and a customer in e-commerce that leads to the sale of goods over the Internet.

Business to Employee (B2E)

A business or employment relationship between an employee and his or her employer. Communication here takes place mainly with the help of company portals and other information technologies. These relationships are usually supported by a contract between the parties involved and regulated by law.


A marketing strategy that seeks to create a buzz around its product or action. Its purpose is to generate widespread debate. (A good example is 'Fofola').

Breadcrumb navigation

The navigation on the website, which is only indicative, is used to display the current position in the hierarchy of the website. These are mostly text links.


Backlinks are links that are placed on a particular website and point to another website. It is a form of linkbuilding, i.e. search engine optimization. Backlinks can be placed on a website for a fee, but also by prior agreement, in the form of an exchange, but these forms of link acquisition are not welcome in the eyes of search engines and are subject to penalties. The best way to obtain them is to create quality content.


This term refers to the part of the web application that is used for web editing and data processing. The word is a combination of two English words back and end. The opposite is the frontend.


A botnet is an autonomous internet robot. Today, the term is mostly used in the context of malware in the sense of a network of "enslaved" devices that are used for attacks. Botnets are often used for D(D)OS attacks, but also for the further spread of malware.


Literally translated, brand means "brand". It is the overall perception of a brand by the general public. Brand includes everything from the company name to its logo and overall communication.

Blind Friendly Web

A method of creating websites that are accessible primarily to the visually impaired, i.e. people who use their hearing and touch to read. Blind Friendly Web is an application created in the Czech Republic by the developer Radek Pavlíček. The rules of the website created in this way are prioritised into three groups: Top priority rules Medium priority rules Low priority rules